I am currently in technical communication class and need help with finding a proposal topic...


The key in the early stage of creating your proposal for this class is the Proposal Development Worksheet linked in the next to last paragraph of the assignment.  It will walk you through developing a proposal, step by step, asking all of the questions you will need to answer through your research, in your paper, and in the presentation.

What is your field of study?  If you are not already working in your field of study imagine you are working in a typical job for that field.  You look around the office, the hospital, the detention center, the workshop -- is there a problem that needs solving, an unsafe setting or activity that needs to stop, is there a way of working with or treating people that could be improved?  These are the types of questions that your proposal should address.

It doesn't have to be a major ground-breaking change -- just something that will improve the situation.  Your research into your problem should reveal the most common, useful, and successful resolutions as well as some of the failed solutions you will want to avoid.


  • Last Updated May 30, 2019
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Marsha Stacey

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