How do you search for Henley-Putnam and National American University previously written theses and dissertations?


If you are searching for dissertations written by National American University students (from the Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Strategic Security (DSS) programs), use ProQuest Open Dissertations.  Click on the Dissertations & Theses tab. Search "National American University."

If you are looking for Henley-Putnam dissertations, we have a small database of those dissertations published between 2013 and 2017:

You also can find National American University dissertations using the Advanced Search in Google Scholar. (You will find "Advanced Search" by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner.) Google Scholar has abstracts for the dissertations that are not available in ProQuest Open Dissertations. Review the abstracts and decide which dissertations you would like. Then submit an interlibrary loan request (Interlibrary Loan Articles) for those articles not found in full-text.



  • Last Updated Oct 18, 2022
  • Views 129
  • Answered By Marsha Stacey

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