How do I find a case study for my subject?


You can find case studies in the NAU Online Library. Use the OneSearch box on the homepage of the library or in many of the Subject and Course Guides.

In the OneSearch box, type "case studies" and "your subject."  For example, type "case studies" and "construction management." You will find articles that contain one or more case studies for construction management. Note: As you look at your list of results, you will see that these words are "Subjects." Subjects are assigned to every article and are useful in finding other articles on the same subject.

For any search phrase with two or more words, be sure to put quotation marks around the terms. By doing this, you tell the database to search for articles where these two words appear together.  

You can narrow the search by adding more search or subject terms: "case studies" and "construction management" and "residential building" 

To limit your results to recent case studies, move the Publication date slide to the right. 


  • Last Updated Feb 15, 2022
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Marsha Stacey

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