How do I cite computer software?


See examples below.

1. If you mention in your writing common software, a mobile app, or programming language, but did not paraphrase or quote, you do not need a  citation. "Common" software and apps would include Microsoft Office, Facebook, Survey Monkey, or Adobe products (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020, p. 338). 

2. If you paraphrase or quote from any software or app, or refer to any software or app of "limited distribution," you must use an in-text citation and include a reference (APA, 2020, 339). 

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

Software Pattern:
            Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Date). Title of work (Version #) [Computer Software]. Publisher. https://xxxxxxx
Software Example:
            Alias. (2022). Maya (Version 1.0.3) [Computer software]. Autodesk.
App Pattern:
            Author. (Date). Title of app (Version #) [Mobile app]. Publisher Name or App Store. https://xxxxxxx
App Example: 
            Khan Academy (2022, September 20). Khan Academy (Version 7.6.1) [Mobile app]. Google Play.



  • Last Updated Oct 17, 2022
  • Views 43
  • Answered By Marsha Stacey

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