Where can I go for writing help?


You have several options for writing help:

1. The NAU Online Library has a great Writing Skills Guide to answer many of your questions about choosing a topic, researching your topic, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing your writing. The Guide also provides writing examples, including annotated bibliographies, research papers, legal briefs and memorandums, business letters, and literature reviews.

2. Grammarly is a free online writing assistant for NAU students. You will find an announcement and instructions on accessing Grammarly on your D2L homepage. Grammarly will help you with grammar, spelling, punctuation, style formatting, citation use, tone, and plagiarism detection.

3. Brainfuse is an online tutoring service available to all students. You can find this service by clicking on the Brainfuse link on your D2L homepage. If you are in D2L, you do not have to "log in" to Brainfuse. 

Before you hand in a paper or other document in a course, you can submit it to the Brainfuse tutoring service for review. Plan ahead and submit your paper to Brainfuse early so you’ll have time for them to give you feedback before submitting your final draft.

On the Writing Tab box, click on "Submit Paper." Once you are at the Brainfuse Writing Lab dashboard:

  • Select the type of work you are submitting., i.e., Academic Essay
  • Fill in the form.
  • Attach your document. Add any comments.
  • Upload your document.

Check the Message Center. (The site states "[u]sually within one business day.")

  • Last Updated Jan 02, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Marsha Stacey

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